From Korea to the global stage, we deliver educational content that transforms lives.
As a market pioneer and leader, Day1Company has maintained continuous growth since day one.
Since 2014, we've grown from our initial launch of expert-led training content into a company with three divisions and more than 10 successful brands.
Full-Stack Educational Content Provider, DAY 1 COMPANY
We create content for working professionals of all kinds
- from office workers to freelancers and business owners. Building on our proven track record of content creation in the B2C market, we now deliver our content and services directly to B2B, B2G, and global markets.
We create content for all working adults - from corporate employees to freelancers and small business owners.
Leveraging our proven content expertise in the B2C market, we now deliver our content and services directly across B2B, B2G, and global markets.
Our Business
In today's fast-paced tech world, we deliver comprehensive educational content for your reskilling and upskilling journey.